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Dissertation Mind Maps

The mind maps that are detailed below are a second iteration of the cause\effect diagrams that I did for my dissertation.


The cause\effect diagrams were a ‘first pass’ of what I needed to do to complete my dissertation, they were the first step in producing a plan and a defined process for the dissertation.  They were not much more than a jumble of ideas.  I needed to produce something better, I was going to do a second set of cause\effect diagrams but then though that mind maps would be better.


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Page Title

Date Added


The ‘Evidence I Need and Why’ Mind Map


The mind map that covers what evidence I need for the dissertation and why I need it.

The ‘Overall’ Dissertation Mind Map


The mind map that covers the complete process, i.e. the whole dissertation. 

The ‘Context’ Mind Map


The mind map that sets the context for my dissertation.  Where the dissertation is set.

The Current Situation


The mind map that defines the process I will need to follow to define the ‘current situation’ of the context of my dissertation.

The Evidence


Mind map covering the subject of ‘evidence’.  What I will need, the types, how I will get it etc.

The Resources


Mind map covering all the resources I will need for my dissertation; skills, data, possible sources etc.

The Research Methods


Mind map covering the research methods I will use in my dissertation.  How I will collect and analyze the data, what I intend to do.

The Problem Domain


A description of the ‘problem domain’, similar to the context mind map but it asks more questions and states some of the, by me, perceived problems.

The Scope


The ‘scope’ of my dissertation.  A first attempt at defining the boundaries, what I will look into and what I won’t, what is to be studied and what isn’t.



Why am I doing the dissertation? Who are the audience? Why is it important? Who will benefit?